Karma in Hinduism: How to Improve Your Karma


Karma is a central concept in Hinduism. It is the law of cause and effect, which states that every action has a reaction. Good actions lead to good results, and bad actions lead to bad results. Karma is believed to affect a person's current life and future lives.

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There are three types of karma:

  • Sanchita karma: This is the accumulated karma from all of a person's past lives. It is the sum total of all the good and bad deeds that a person has done in their past lives. Sanchita karma is believed to determine the circumstances of a person's birth, their physical and mental characteristics, and their life experiences.
For example, a person who has accumulated a lot of good karma in their past lives may be born into a wealthy family, with good health and intelligence. A person who has accumulated a lot of bad karma in their past lives may be born into a poor family, with poor health and intelligence.

  • Prarabdha karma: Prarabdha karma is the portion of sanchita karma that has ripened and is being experienced in the present life. It refers to the set of actions and their consequences that have already started to manifest. The following examples from Hindu scriptures illustrate the concept of prarabdha karma:
    • In the epic Mahabharata, the Pandava brothers faced numerous trials and tribulations, including exile and war, as a result of their past actions. Their current life situations were determined by their prarabdha karma.
    • Lord Rama, the central character of the Ramayana, faced various challenges such as exile and the abduction of his wife Sita, as part of his prarabdha karma. These events were predetermined and had to be experienced in his lifetime.

  • Agami karma: Agami karma or current karma also known as Kriyamana karma, refers to the actions being performed in the present moment. It includes the choices and actions one makes in their daily life. Here are a few examples of kriyamana karma from Hindu scriptures:
    • The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text of Hinduism, emphasizes the importance of performing righteous actions with the right intention. Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to act selflessly and perform his duties as a warrior without attachment to the outcomes. This highlights the significance of kriyamana karma in shaping one's present and future experiences.
    • The concept of karma yoga, as explained in various scriptures, teaches individuals to engage in selfless actions, helping others and contributing to the welfare of society. Acts of charity, compassion, and selflessness are examples of positive kriyamana karma that can lead to positive future outcomes.

The Importance of Karma in Hinduism

Karma is an important concept in Hinduism because it provides a framework for understanding the world and our place in it. It teaches us that our actions have consequences and that we can improve our lives by doing good deeds. Karma also gives us hope, as it teaches us that we can escape the cycle of rebirth and achieve moksha.

How to Improve Your Karma

A person's karma can be changed through good deeds, meditation, and prayer. The goal of Hinduism is to achieve moksha, which is liberation from the cycle of karma and rebirth.

There are many ways to improve your karma. Here are a few tips:

Reference from various Scriptures:

  • Rig Veda: "As is his desire, so is his will, so is his deed, so is his action, so is his fruit." (10.10.14)
  • Yajur Veda: "Whatever a man does, good or evil, to that he comes in the end." (40.1)
  • Atharva Veda: "The man who does good will have good, the man who does evil will have evil. This is the law of the world." (19.53.1)
  • Bhagavad Gita: "As a man sows, so shall he reap. The law of karma is the law of cause and effect." (6.8)
  • Mahabharata: "Whatever a man does, good or evil, he must reap the fruit of it in this life or in some future life." (12.313.12)
  • Ramayana: "The law of karma is a law of justice. It is the law of cause and effect. It is the law of retribution." (2.77.12)


Karma is a complex concept, but it is an important one in Hinduism. By understanding karma, we can better understand ourselves and our place in the world. We can also use karma to improve our lives and achieve moksha 


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